FRANK IERO and the PATIENCE are set to release their second album ‘Parachutes,’ via Vagrant Records/Cooking Vinyl Australia!
The record was produced by the legendary team that is Ross Robinson & Steve Evetts, in California, earlier this year.
“It’s a team that had been on my mind for a while. I heard stories about Ross that scared me to death… but honestly nothing could have prepared me for the reality of what it is like to work with him” says singer Frank Iero. “It was the most heartbreaking yet uplifting, depleting yet inspiring experience I have ever had. I found out things about myself and the songs I was writing that changed me forever. I am so proud of this record, it really took everything I had, and I know I could not have made it with anyone else.”
As with any new album, the band has a chance to grow and evolve into something else, to challenge all perceptions and become a new version of what it once was, and as such comes a name change – FRANKIERO and the PATIENCE. “When I first started this journey I brought a band along that filled in the gaps of what I lacked. I was uncomfortable in my position so I brought a celebration or a cellabration to distract from my awkwardness. Now in my life I need to learn how to slow down and love where I am. I need the patience to appreciate the now.” says Frank Iero.
The album ‘Parachutes’ is 12 songs controlled chaos which shows FRANK IERO and the PATIENCE at their absolute best.
A message from Frank Iero
“Parachutes are life saving devices. We rely on them to bring us back from the brink of death. Whether we fall or jump they are the only things keeping us alive. Such as with life, we are all just falling or plunging to an eventual end, but the love of my family and my ability to create art and music has always been my parachute.
The act of living can be random and strange, beautiful and ugly at the same time and the only thing that is undeniably certain is eventually we are all gonna hit the ground. Some of us plummet at an incredible rate and it’s over in a flash, but some of us get saved and are able to enjoy the view for a little while
This album is one of my parachutes. xo frnk.”