Full Circle
Riding off the back of the success of ‘The Octagon’, the prince of Hurstville is back with a ten-track offering over all original production. Plenty of bangers, bravado, bongs, bags…you know the vibes. It’s shaping to be Chill’s most personal, vulnerable and raw material of his career thus far.
As always, Chill is speaking from a real place; but this time it really feels like a dark place. You can hear on this mixtape how he’s coming to terms with the combination of the soaring highs of success and fame, with the crushing lows fuelled by excess, hedonism and addiction. But, true to form, Chillinit is emerging from this place with swagger, style and confidence, stronger and more focused than ever.
Full Circle is about everything coming back around, returning to its rightful place. Full Circle captures the bounce-back of arguably the country’s most talented and troubled solo artists.