Resound NYC
Resound NYC – discover Moby’s new album!
“I gave myself the broad but specific criteria that the music had to have either been written orrecorded in New York,” says the artist about his second dive into the orchestral world. By reimagininghits first heard between 1994 and 2010, he reflects not only an era in his life, but also his birthplace,one of the world’s most iconic cities.Beneath the noirish cover shot of Moby against the EmpireState Building, the CD is housed in a digisleeve featuring a stunning image of the New York skylineby night.
A 24-page booklet includes family photos from Moby’s childhood, as well as shots of theartist today, interspersed with further atmospheric pictures of the Big Apple, and the text of theintroduction to Rimbaud’s A Season in Hell. Each of the legendary tracks on the album – including “InMy Heart”, “South Side”, “Perfect Life”, “Slipping Away” and “When It’s Cold I’d Like to Die” – has itsown instrumental formation, with analogue synths and Mellotron used alongside more traditionalstrings and brass.
Joining Moby on Resound NYC are a chamber ensemble and a line-up of guestartists as eclectic as it is stellar, including Nicole Scherzinger, Gregory Porter, Ricky Wilson, MargoTimmins and Amythyst Kiah.